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This example uses four <div> elements to create a multiple column layout The CSS <style> #header { background-colorblack; colorwhite; text-aligncenter; HTML5 offers new semantic elements that define different parts of a web page
html5不支持了36 </frameset>实现在一个页面内水平展示三个页面内容37 <iframe src=" 42 </video>43 44 45 1 <style type="text/css"> 2 #div1, #div2 3 {floatleft; width100px;
Definition and Usage. The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document. The <div> tag is used to group block-elements to format them with CSS.
You can migrate to HTML5 from HTML4 or XHTML, using the same recipe. div# header,div#footer {colorwhite;background-color#444;margin-bottom5px;} div# content . Duplicate with equal CSS styles for HTML5 semantic elements
浪潮集团项目经理。精通Java与.NET 技术, 熟练的跨平台面向对象开发经验,技术功底深厚。 授课风格 授课风格清新自然、条理清晰、主次分明、重点难点突出、引人入胜。
具有10 年的Java 企业应用开发经验。曾经历任德国Software AG 技术顾问,美国Dachieve 系统架构师,美国AngelEngineers Inc. 系统架构师。