$geo = encode_geohash(30., 104.0, 12); //神马时候做成个php扩展把! echo $geo; print_r(decode_geohash($geo));function encode_geohash($latitude, $longitude, $
Encode / decode geohash.org locations. Contribute to Geo--Hash development by creating an account on GitHub.
geotools - Geo-related tools PHP 5.4+ library built atop Geocoder and React Encode a coordinate to a geo hash string and decode it to a coordinate, read
class Geohash. {. static private $bits = array(16, 8, 4, 2, 1);. static private $base32 = \'0bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz\';. static private $neighbors = array(.
simple php geohash class. Contribute to geohash development by creating an account on GitHub.
geohash. Geohash generation class for php, 79. php-geohash. A geohash ( algorithm, not webservice) library for php, 21. geohash. simple php geohash class
Refactored GeoHash package/camcima/php-geohash · Homepage · Source · Installs 6
I was intrigued by the algorithm used to create “geohashes” and so I wrote this PHP class to encode and decode them. It comes with a test harness and passes
1、geohash特点 2、geohash原理 3、geohash的php 、python、java、C#实现代码 4、观点讨论 w微博weibo.com/dxl0321 geohash有以下几个特点
浪潮集团项目经理。精通Java与.NET 技术, 熟练的跨平台面向对象开发经验,技术功底深厚。 授课风格 授课风格清新自然、条理清晰、主次分明、重点难点突出、引人入胜。
具有10 年的Java 企业应用开发经验。曾经历任德国Software AG 技术顾问,美国Dachieve 系统架构师,美国AngelEngineers Inc. 系统架构师。